Show different elements depending on value of text field inside repeater and query loop

Hello, I’ve run into an issue I cannot quite solve. I am making a comparison chart and I have a text field ‘standard_feature_chart’ inside a repeater ‘comparison_chart’ and I want it to show different elements depending on the value.

Here is the logic:
Render checkmark icon ID=‘ttouzj’ if value of field = ‘yes’
Render line icon ID=‘ptzgsm’ If value of field = ‘no’
Render text element ID=‘xmojre’ if value of field = anything other than ‘yes’ or ‘no’

Here is the code I have so far that is not working. Ive tried many variations with no avail.

add_filter( 'bricks/element/render', function( $render, $element ) {
    if ( have_rows( 'comparison_chart' ) ) {
      // Loop through rows.
      while( have_rows( 'comparison_chart' ) ) : the_row();
        //get sub field
        $select = get_sub_field_object('standard_feature_chart');
         //get value of sub field        
         $value = $select['value'];
        //get the checkmark icon. if the value is yes show the checkmark
        if ($element->id === 'ttouzj') {
            if ($value != 'yes') {
                return false;
        //get the line icon. if the value is no show the line icon
        if ($element->id === 'ptzgsm') {
            if ($value != 'no') {
                return false;
        //get the text element. if the value is not yes or no, show the text element
        if ($element->id === 'xmojre') {
            if ($value = 'yes' || $value = 'no') {
                return false;

  return $render;
}, 10, 2 );

any help would be appreciated.

Did you ever figure this out? I am trying to do something similar.

unfortunately, i havent figured it out yet