Show category image with dynamic data in single template


I am currently creating my product template and would like to display the stored logo of the corresponding brand (category) of the given product with the dynamic data.

Unfortunately it does not quite work and I could not find anything in the documentation.
I tried it with the standard preview image, but there is no dynamic function to display the current image. I also tried to create an image meta field for the category with ACF. However also here the message comes that the dynamic data are empty.

With Elementor for example I could select the product category and then enter my meta field there. However with Bricks I can only select the product category and then it doesn’t go any further.

Does anyone have an idea how to intregrate this in the template? Thanks




Many thanks

Works now with 1.84

“Query Loop: New “Current Post Term” setting (for “Term” queries)”

Hi there,

any idea how to show more then one categorie image?
I have list of projects and want to show for each project in which categories this project is done (some projects are done in few categories (example of categories: web design, app, graphic design, social marketing etc…)
Thanks in advance!

I have a problem using this function.

I want to show the image of the selected category (via pods) on every category archive page. But it only works for one category archive page… and for this page it shows an image of a different category. Every other category archive page isn’t showing anything, like the data is empty.
On a page where I show all categories it works fine. Every category has it’s correct image. So I am really confused.

Does anyone have a solution for my case?

Edit: I don’t know what I changed, but it works now after deleting the query loop. Before it didn’t work with the custom field via pods (“data is empty”). So created the query with the above mentioned result. After deleting the query it works fine… :thinking: :sweat_smile: