@sinanisler Is correct, you can accomplish this without using the nestable slider. Try the Bricksforge plugin, you can build GSAP timelines within the builder visually making it pretty easy once you get the hang of it.
My homepage uses a similar GSAP setup underneath my hero section: https://pixflow.co.uk
Bricksforge looks very reasonably priced - but other than GSAP timelines do you use for anything else? I see the GSAP animations can be coded directly into Bricks.
Yes, Pro forms is my go to for any form. I also use the smooth scroller (you can choose GSAP or Lenis). The option element, where you can easily output data from the database. Backend designer, Terminal, Email designer, Form submissions. Bricksforge and Advanced Themer in my opinion are two must have plugins for Bricks.
Yes, the section has a height of 300vh, each slide wrapper has a height of 100vh and position sticky. Then using GSAP the slides scale down, and lose opacity on scroll position.
Yes, for z-index, the first slide is assigned as 1, the second as 2, and the third as 3. Additionally, the slide wrapper requires pointer-events: none, while the individual slide should have pointer-events: all. Failing to set this up properly may result in the empty space of the next slide’s wrapper blocking clicks on the slide underneath, particularly if it’s partially scrolled.