Scroll to element top after using Ajax pagination

Pretty useful and a must usability wise IMO for product archives. Right now pages change, the focus stays at the pagination element and if the last pages has way less products then the page before the users viewport jumps down to the footer.
The user wants to see the new products for the new page which by nature start at the top of the archive / product(query) loop element. Right not he is forced to find the starting point.
If this is possible I am thankfully and happy to hear a fix or solution. Right now I see not option for that in Bricks


did you find the solution?


yes I did. Create an interaction on the product query loop and define the containter/element where it should scroll to after pagination was used.

This is how I setup the interaction


Take a look at all the other things that should be integrated in the new Bricks filters and see if you agree.

Thank You, but its overwhelming for me. I think that. I think this is a mistake of this element. I’ll report it anyway.

@pedronx Yeah, it would be great if that would work out of the box. I just found this solution by tinkering around. Nothing is intuitive with Bricks IMO. Anyway, it is not hard to setup. Just click the interaction button for your product loop and copy my settings. Then add the css selector / class where it should scroll to and that’s it.

@xsz I guess the wrong thread?

Hello, is there now a solution without interaction?