Right-click to reveal the custom context menu

Bricks Version: 1.6.1
Browser: Chrome 108.0.5359.124 (Official Build) (arm64)
OS: macOS / 12.6.2

Brand new install using Local on my Macbook
Using Automatic CSS

  1. Created a header template

  2. I dropped into the header template, a block.

  3. Added a custom class.

  4. I added a basic text with a sentence.

  5. With the cursor, I hovered over the basic text, it turns into a

  6. If I right click - & hover but no custom context menu, only the Chrome menu!

I cannot get the right click to reveal the custom context menu to work. I hover over . . . Right click & no custom menu.

What is an “action icon” please?

What am I doing wrong?


A Chrome plugin prevented the right-click working properly. My grateful thanks to Bricks Support: Jenn!

I’m having the same problem. Which Chrome extension caused the issue?

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I’d love to know which one as well, mines just started doing it and I’ve not added any extensions

Allow Right-Click

This extension is not trusted by Enhanced Safe Browsing. Learn more

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Allow Right-Click

This extension is not trusted by Enhanced Safe Browsing.

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Thank you

I appreciate the swift reply