The fact that Bricks supports ACF Flexible Content is a gamechanger for me. Super cool.
But there are issues with rendering dynamic data in templates. At first, it does seem to work, at least for simple fields. But as you add fields to the template, there is more and more chaos. Some fields do get rendered, some don’t, in some places you get oceans of empty space. Some fields get rendered at the bottom, but when you click on the rendered part, the page gets scrolled up to the top, where you can style the unrendered element with field labels. The best way to handle it is to operate only in the structure tree, ignore the canvas completely and use imagination. Otherwise it is too confusing and kind of erratic.
The output on the front-end is always FLAWLESS, I did finish my templates and the front-end result is exactly as desired. I use “acf_get_row_layout” conditionals. Even in the case of nested repeaters, the output is flawless on the front-end. So, it seems to me that the issue with templates is not due to my error.
While it is possible for me to work like that, it is not very comfortable. And I certainly cannot show it to anyone and tell how cool Bricks is for ACF Flexible Content. I cannot pass such sites to anyone, because complex templates with Flex Content would be too confusing. Disabling/enabling “WP REST API render” in the settings doesn’t seem to make a difference.
Is dynamic data inside relatively complex ACF Flexible Content supposed to get rendered? I mean a mix of text and image fields with some nested layouts and repeater fields? Do all fields get rendered for you guys?
Without concrete examples in the form of a screencast, it is difficult to say/reproduce whether this is a bug.
Based on the description, however, I would assume that it is not a bug. The flexible content loops are usually super complex, so that some dynamic data tags are not output on the canvas. In addition, all layouts are displayed (multiple times) because conditions are deactivated in the canvas (otherwise you would not be able to style the layouts/elements).
From my experience, it makes sense to check the front end in parallel, which makes working with flexible content a bit easier.
If you really think that these are bugs, we need reproducible steps (the simpler, the better)
Yeah, I realize that Flex Content loops are super-complex and some stuff may look a little different in the backend. No big deal for me, when I set, for example padding, color or something else, I can imagine what it will look like on the front-end. So, it is “usable” for me and still a gamechanger, even the way it works now.
However, the difference between the canvas in the template and the front-end can be massive and dealing with that may be very confusing for some people. It can be difficult to even understand what is going on in the canvas, so the structure tree is the only way. Some people may no longer consider it a “visual building experience”.
Should I clone my starter site with such a template and send login data to support, so that you can freely play with it?
I would like to suggest Bricks to some people, but I could not show my Flex Content templates, for example, to my former boss
You are welcome to do this if you also send us a screencast with suggestions for improvement (with spoken content, please) so that we can understand it in any case and improve it in the future, if possible
I’m moving the thread to the improvements category for now
Hi, looks like editor rendering is the same as described by @AMX a year ago. Flexible and repeater fields are rendering multiple times in editor, but on the front end, it’s correct. Is a fix planned so far ?