Reduce my page loading time results

Hi guys, I’m trying to reduce page load timing results.

I’ve optimised font usage, images, set CSS loading to external ,whilst the site appears to be loading snappier, the PageSpeed Insights results haven’t been greatly improved specifically the “Root document return time” and the “Largest Contentful paint element”.

I’m not sure what else I can try to reduce these specifically or if they’re server side issues.

I’ve asked my hosting provider to look into this on their end, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

To me your server response/setup seems poor.
Your content is being delivered over http/1. Get http/2 going on the server as a start. The page is lite (872kb) so it should not be that slow. Start with getting that resolved.


Thanks for your reply Thomas, I’m not sure what you mean by “http/1” and “http/2” . I’ve asked my host provider, and they’ve said it’s not a problem on their end, but I’m not sure really how to tell.

H1 and H2 are Procotols that get enabled on the apache server. The red is being issued off your hosting the green is external. H2 or http/2 enables multiplexed connections. H1 does not so it is slower. Might be a tick box on your hosting to enable http/2.
Also look for brotli compression to enable.

Go here: and scroll down to the footer and click website speed test.

It runs lighthouse in a way that is more realitic and you may find that Google is reporting higher numbers.

I have sites the load much quicker on mobile than Google page speed says they do. I can time the load myself and see that it is faster than what Google claims it is.

One of my sites passes all Real User Core Web Vitals Assessments, but fails the speed test itself. For example, the speedtest says First Contentful Paint is 3.4 s while the real user time is 1.8s.

According to debug bear, Google loads the page full speed and then applies a mobile simulation that gives simulated numbers and not the real numbers.

When you randomly get 17secs response times off your server …it’s not good. Your shared hosting is really not the best.

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Thanks for your help Thomas.

I think my host coincidentally had an outage within the last 24hrs.

Your other suggestions are appreciated.

Cheers macksix, I’ll check it out.

I’ve also found that the site was more responsive than I thought the tests make it seem.