reCaptacha Enterprise, solution?

Good morning,

I recently generated a reCAPTCHA Enterprise key, under the impression that it would also produce a pair of site_key and secret_key keys. However, it appears that the Enterprise version only generates a single key, as domain filtering is applied directly.

Given this, I am seeking guidance on how to integrate reCAPTCHA Enterprise into Bricks Builder. Specifically, I am concerned about the fact that if both parameters are not passed (i.e., key=API_KEY), the integration may encounter issues.

I would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

The best way to check this is to do a test. Enter the key in the Google reCAPTCHA v3: Secret key field and then from the reCaptcha administration console you can see the number of requests. It is a way to check that it works correctly.
If it doesn’t work then we will have to wait for it to be implemented in a future version of Bricks