Real Estate Website -

I built this website using Bricks Builder. Below are some plugins used in the development:

  • Automatic.css - Color and size variables
  • BricksExtras - Sliders, Favorites, and Gallery
  • Bricksforge - Forms

I also did lots of custom coding for some functionalities. Some notable examples are:

  • Send listing details to Google Sheet when a listing is added or updated.
  • Property lookup by ID. Test it here: by using ID 1948, or directly access via URL:
  • Toast bar for favorite actions
  • JSON-LD structured data for listings (I couldn’t afford Rank Math Pro, so I had to do it manually lol)

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the website’s design! Please take a look and let me know what aspects you think could be improved. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

PS: I offer white-label services specifically for Figma to Bricks conversions. Please DM me if you need this kind of service.


The menu hijacks any scroll up on mobile, on Chrome the navbar is fullpage and veritcally centered.

Your website is very nice.

I want to ask, how did you make the instagram section? Are you using any elements from any addons?

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Beautiful website

Contact button in hero doesn’t link to contact page

The page load effect where the image loads with an overlay on it to darken it, feels very janky. Image loads in full then seconds later it darkens.

(Only view on mobile)

I used the native bricks insta element

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@Maexxx I am unable to reproduce this on my end. Can you please share a screenshot or recording? Thank you.

@BearSitesAndy I mistakenly linked the hero btn to the homepage, it’s fixed now.

I don’t have any page load effect aside the fadein effect for lazy-loaded images. Is that what you talking about? I would appreciate a screen recording

Thank you @Maexxx i was able to reproduce this on <=320px screens. I fixed it now.

Video of the image colour “popping” effect I’m seeing

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For me it is still there on a Galaxy S screen, that’s certainly more than 320px.

It is 360px in width.

@BearSitesAndy, thank you very much for the video. The color effect was happening because I had the overlay directly on the <figure> tag. So, when the image faded in, it caused the overlay to flicker. Its fixed now.

Hi @Maexxx, perhaps you still have a cached version of the site? I fixed it and checked all breakpoints, but I couldn’t reproduce it again.

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Yes, not it’s gone. I am quite sure I tested in incognito tab before :wink:

Looks and feels quite nice now, even with some nice details :+1:

Just the horizontal card transitions are test my patience. And the contact form does not support tabbing through the inputs on Get In Touch | Premium Ghana Property Services | LuxeReside