RankMath plugin


Is the RankMath SEO plugin compatible with Bricks? Or any recommendations for an SEO plugin?

Thank You

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Seems that Bricks Builder have removed RankMath integration from their roadmap now :frowning_face:

Correct. Maybe a question for @thomas or @timmse why this was removed?


Hi guys,
Thanks for asking!

Bricks is already compatible with RankMath.

The feature request was about adding it to the builder’s SEO panel. We moved it back to our internal backlog due to in-builder performance considerations. This means we still have the request in the system but will not address it as one of the next planned features.

Best regards,


I just want to be able to to use some of the rankmath tools like TOC, FAQ, etc. But that seems like its a job for Rankmath to integrate into bricks as widgets, or provide shortcodes?

Has this been fixed, or did someone find out how to use those blocks? I still can’t find them in the blocks menu and also not really a solution/answer in the internet

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