Query loop to show terms in drodown?

I’d like to have a UX where on hover or tap a “dropdown” appears with the terms from a custom taxonomy. Clicking on them would point to that category page.

Hoping there is a no-code way to do this with Bricks, but open to other ideas.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

You can use the “dropdown” element with a query loop of terms.

This element gives you the possibility to click/hover on it to display the list of links, and it is customizable.

Insert the dropdown and wrap a link to be able to apply the query loop of terms (first screenshot). Then configure the dynamic data in the link (second screenshot). I used post categories but it should work for any custom taxonomy.

NOTE: Because you are wrapping the link, it is possible that the style configuration of the items in the dropdown element will not work, you will have to style the nav link element directly.

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