Products Filter displays all categories, all attributes

When I add the products filter widget, it shows all the products. If I am in a category of a product, Many product attributes do not apply, so I would like this list to only show available attributes for that category.

Also is it possible to add a drill down for categories, as many times categories are structured parents and sub items.


It’s been two years since this post was created. And the “products filter” problem remains unsolved. I wonder if we’ll have to use an external plugin to filter products?!

It’s a shame because, apart from these two problems, and the fact that it doesn’t use ajax, Bricks’ “products filter” is fantastic! :frowning:


Hey Raul,
There are now two ways of filtering: The “simple” woo product filter, and the new query sort & filter/live search feature (experimental), which gives you significantly more options:

Since the new search & filter/live search features can map significantly more use cases than the existing Woo products filter, we have decided to focus on the new feature set (which is certainly understandable from an objective point of view).

Best regards,

I know that, but it is “experimental” :frowning: