Prevent theme auto updates

I can’t find a setting to switch on/off the Bricks themes auto updates. Is that option available somewhere? Thanks

Hi Macky,
Theme auto-updates are disabled by default in WordPress as far as I know, unless you enable them inside of the Template Modal (Appearance Theme Details):

You can also take a look at Tools » Site Health » Info » Active Theme if Auto Updates are enabled or not.

In the case of Bricks beta versions, like currently 1.8 beta, you don’t have the possibility to enable auto-updates.

Best regards,

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Hey Timmse, thanks for the swift reply. For some reason I dont have the option to enable auto-updates…

I’ve checked site info and it says auto updates are disabled (which is what I want) so I’ll leave this for now.

I dont have the option under theme details either.
There is currently a bug in the newest release for me, but downgrading to the last release, it will have auto-update so im back on the newest again within hours…

I have also the same issue in version 1.9.5, please see the attached image.

According to my experience, the link to activate auto-updates only appears if there is a newer Bricks version available. Once you activate the auto-updates and the update has taken place, you don’t have access to that setting anymore. I would consider this a bug, but it has been like this for quite some time now.

I have reported this to the developers here: WIP: Settings for auto-updates for Bricks theme not available

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For those that don’t even see the possibility to enable or disable auto updates, it’s likely because auto updating has been disabled site-wide at the WordPress platform level. I do this on my client sites and maintain updates via MainWP for example. In the UI, it means that auto updates isn’t a feature that can be enabled.

See this: A Deep Dive Into WordPress Automatic Updates


Since the option is missing just for the Bricks theme (not for any other theme), this configuration setting is probably not the reason for the issue we are discussing here.