Popups with dynamic content dont load after filtering

Hi guys

I have a question… I am running into a problem and don’t know how to solve it. I tried to filter the content of this page: Brands - HolyCargo

I started to use the Plugin “Filter Everything” and it works very well. At least for my needs. The thing is that when I enable Ajax, the Popups don’t show the content correctly. Here is an example:

Talked with the support, we didn’t find a solution. So I tried it with WP Grid Builder. And same thing. I contacted the support and got this answer:

“Bricks Popups do not load content with Ajax. This means that popups are always loaded when the page first loads, and then they are hidden.
If you filter the content and new posts are added, the “new” popups will not be present on the page.
Therefore, they cannot work during filtering. You have to use an Ajax popup to make it work with dynamic content (like filters).
Popups are static in Bricks. It cannot work with a filtering system that refreshes content with Ajax.”

When I turn off Ajax in “Filter Everything”, everything works fine.

So my question is: Someone knows this situation and is there a solution to this?


yes, I ran into the same issue.

I solved it with using the Dynamic Lightbox element from BricksExtras:



Hi Patric

This actually did the trick! Actually I was hoping for a solution without a plugin, but my deadline is getting closer! :wink:

Thank you!

For me the dynamic lightbox from BricksExtras stopped working trying to use the latest Bricks Filters for the loop. Gotta wait for an update?

Reg. BricksExtras: We’re working on adding support for Bricks’ new AJAX search & AJAX filters currently, should be an update this week to allow elements to be used inside the filtered content.

The elements can be used with other AJAX filter/facet solutions still, just not yet with the new Bricks’ filters.

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I have exactly the same problem. Nither pop-ups or lazy load images.