Pop up on 1) click + 2) session start?

Is there a way to have a single Pop-up template work so that it appears 1) in the beginning of every session AND 2) on a click of a button?

Couldn’t find any straightforward solution to this (other than duplicating the pop up, one for click and one for session start), because the rules seem to exclude each other, but am I just missing something?

Someone asked almost the same question :wink:
This person only wanted to do it on the frontpage, but you could add the interaction on a part of the footer, and it would be sitewide.

Hope this Helps
Cheers Suat

Thanks! That’s veeery close, but still the solution doesn’t apply here.

I’d need the pop-up to show on the session start (equals landing to ANY page on the site), not just landing on the homepage, as that setup allows. :smiley: That was close! :joy:

But if you do this, it should do the trick. Just change the element for the bricks-interaction and it will be sitewide

Sorry, I’m an idiot, I didn’t notice you mentioned the footer. That should, of course, do the trick. Thanks man!

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