Pizza Restaurant Online order - Woo+Orderable

My latest project built with Bricks, fresh out of the box. Online order for Pizza store in NYC using WooCommerce + Orderable plugin. Customer was very satisfied and will use the same set up to built more websites with food order. BIG PLUS is that I had purchased an one-time payment LTD for Orderable when it first came out, so customer won’t have to pay the hefty subscription of $250/yearly that Orderable is selling now.


Site looks great! I just wanted to give you a heads up that when I visited the site I got quite a few errors in the console referencing "". It looks like a quick find/replace of the database might be in order. A plugin we’ve had good luck with is

Thanks for the heads up! It seems that Bricks had generated static CSS files, that needed to be regenerated after the the clone from staging to live.

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