Performance Problems: reCaptcha loading 2x times (according to PageSpeed Insights)

Hey everybody,

I completed my first website with bricks since switching from Elementor - and no regrets here.

I’m now improving website performance. Google Tag Manager and reCaptcha are more or less the only things that are hurting my website big time.

One thing I discovered: it looks like recaptcha_en.js is loading two times. Is it a bug or poor implementation of my form?

I use the same form as global element multiple times on the same page.

Btw.: I tested hCaptcha to compare the performance to reCaptcha, and hcaptcha.js was loaded 4x times, at least according to PageSpeed Insights.

Anyone knows what’s going on here?


Any word on this or were you able to resolve it? I’m seeing the same issue and getting poor performance as a result.

You might find the following helpful.

I use Cloudflare Turnstile.

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Nice! Thanks for this. Been pondering changing to Turnstile. Really appreciate it!

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