Performance improvement for nestable elements

Currently, when changing any settings for nestable elements, the entire structure needs to be re-rendered. So the layout moves around in the builder as it keeps reloading as we set up the slider, for example.

What would be optimal, which I’ve seen done elsewhere, would be to only re-run the script (or a specific script made for the builder) when certain settings are changed, as nothing is needed to be updated for the elements inside, all that is needed to see the settings being applied in real time in the builder is the new Splide options being added. ie destoyed and then re-initialised.

I mentioned something similar in the extending the API thread…

"…Eg if we’re creating a slider where the user could have lots of elements inside, images etc. Changing one setting, we may only want the tiny bit of JS that is needed to apply the new setting to run to see the changes, we wouldn’t want the entire structure and all the elements inside to be rebuilt each time a setting is changed. "

ideally, there’d be a way to make sure certain controls don’t force the element to rerender, and instead just rerun some JS. Obv some controls actually need this to happen, but the having the option to turn it off would be great. This would mean a much smoother building experience, with no layouts jumping around or flickering as we’re changing things and will make the builder feel much faster and easier to use.