Our family business website

That’s an interesting remark. I will try to find the right balance between the two.

Nice website! :laughing: I don’t have the expertise to script my own javascript but it works well on mobile better.

How do you implement the slider to move left and right as the mouse slides up and down?

One way is with scrolltrigger, eg… https://codepen.io/wplit/pen/PoZewOW

thank you , i will try it later

I really like your website, it’s got a clear concept and the execution looks super clean and has a pleasant feel to it. Forced “experiences”/slideshows can be annoying but I think in this use case it works very well. My french is rusty at best but I feel like a got a good sense of your business. One addition I thought of while scrolling that might be nice - not sure if it’s possible - would be to have the single slider “snap” in place and give a bit of a resistance before scroling on. I found it a bit disorienting that I couldn’t get a “proper” view of the screens when I feel like they are designed in a way that suggests you can linger on each one if wanted.