In the Bricks pages list, pages are ordered by date created with newest at the top. It would be way easier to locate a page if the list was ordered in the same way as Wordpress so order parent pages alphabetically with child pages grouped under the parent, again in alphabetical order.
If necessary, provide a simple sort dropdown, with by date created, alphabetical etc.
I just came on to raise a Feature Request about this, but I see I already commented on it.
The pages are listed with newest at the top. I think oldest should be at top in the case of pages, because:
We often create the pages in order of relevance/importance, eg. Homepage first, then About Us, Services etc. Finally we do the Contact, Cookie Policy and Privacy pages.
The latter (and least ‘important’) pages therefore end up on top of the Bricks page list, which makes less sense.
It’s only a minor point in the grand scheme of Bricks, but I often focus on the UI making sense to editors.
My vote would be to list the pages alphabetically, to show the parent/child relationship by indentation, and for the love of all things please left align the text for readability! But, would be nice if there were a few ‘sorting’ options.