Option to automatically set viewport width to breakpoints minimum screen size

Hi all,

Since the typical workflow is desktop-first in Bricks, it would be more convenient to automatically see the minimum screen size when switching breakpoints, so that we can quickly check if everything is clean (line breaks, overflows, etc.).

For instance, when swtiching to tablet, I would like to see the smallest tablet possible, like 768px.

This could be a switch in builder topbar, for instance, like a lock button.


Would be great. I love it  :100:

This initially caught me out when I started using Bricks and so I always looked at the most used viewport sizes on browserstack but not having a lock on lower BPs is a pain as you lose it when you cycle between the viewports.

But I am hoping this will solve the problem as we can put our own in then. Roadmap – Bricks :muscle: