Open a Query Loop ACF Image field in a Lightbox possible?

We insert photos from a CPT (ACF image field) into a section via a query loop. And we wanted the image to open in the Bricks Lightbox when clicking on it. This basically works, but there are no controls (Prev/Next) and, above all, closing the lightbox does not work. Neither an icon is displayed, nor can you exit the lightbox by clicking on the canvas.

Is this not possible in this combination (ACF Image Field, Query Loop and Lightbox)? Is there a way to at least implement a close option for the lightbox?


try adding Lightbox ID to the image. Then it should show the prev/next controls.
I don’t know about the closing icon, it should be there.

Something must be wrong at your site.

The lightbox of my acf galleries have prev / next buttons and a closing x icon on the right upper corner.

Hey @KabUUU ,

I’ve already tried that. Nothing changes. I’m pretty sure I’ve already read something on this topic here. But I can’t find the post again.

Hey @Patric , It’s about ACF Image fields not ACF Image Gallery.