NO BUG: Word-wrap is cutting my headlines

Hi there, I have more than 1 website where the headlines are breaking in two lines. After checking the code I see a word-wrap:break-word; rule. Why are you adding that? How can I fix this issue once and for all?

Hi Manny,
Thanks so much for your report, but: what exactly is the bug? Can you provide me with an example link?

The word-wrap property allows long words to be able to be broken and wrap onto the next line to avoid overflows. You can read more about it in this extensive article from LogRocket:

Best regards,

Well, I see now that this is not a bug, and easily fixable. Never mind, I will create a utility class to use in those specific cases.

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Iā€™m having a similar problem with my H3 text while using Automatic CSS and Frames. While inspecting it in Firefox, I solved it with word-wrap: normal.