NO BUG: Woocommerce-Checkout Template not being rendered on checkout page after updating to WooCommerce 9.0

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: Windows
URL: Cart – Perfect Point EDM

After updating to Woocommerce 9.0, my checkout template stopped rendering on the front end when trying to checkout.

  • Using Bricks 1.9.9
  • Woocommerce 9.0

I tried disabling any other woocommerce related plugins but it is still not rendering the template. Hoping someone could help me out.

Here’s the image of my checkout page in the builder

And here’s what’s rendering on the frontend

I would suggest you roll back with WooCommerce until next Bricks update.

Hi Bez,
Thanks so much for your report!

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue.
Please send temporary login credentials and a link to this thread to using the email address you used during the purchase.

Best regards,

Sent the temp login info over.

I tried reverting to woocommerce 8.9.3 and the problem persists, so maybe it is something else causing the issue. Either way I’ll look out for a response here or via email.

I appreciate the help!

@Bez ,

As per my email reply, it’s not a bug.
You have 2 checkout templates and one of them without any style.
Remove the unnecessary one solve the issue.



I am stupid.

Completely forgot that I rushed out a temporary checkout template to play around with and explore the elements before leaving the office one day, only to come in the next day and create the new “correct” template. Completely forgot I ever created the first template. Never even thought to look for it because in my mind it already didn’t exist. Learn from me!

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