NO BUG: Woocomerce product bugs - The font size doens't take effect for the short description element

Refer URL: Green Glass Decorative Hanging Lights – Tikanna Lighting
Hi, guys, I want to adjust the font size of the short description to 13px, but no matter how I tried, the size doesn’t take effect. I don’t know if it’s my wrong setting or the compatibility problem between woocommerce and bricks.

Strange thing, I found out that the font size only affects another new added product:Bedside Edison Table Lamp Dining Accessories Wrought Iron Lighting – Tikanna Lighting
but still doesn’t affect the product link in my last thread.

In this link, the short description content is a table, so the font size can affect it: Bedside Edison Table Lamp Dining Accessories Wrought Iron Lighting – Tikanna Lighting
But in this link, the short description content is pure txt, t he font size doesn’t affect it: Green Glass Decorative Hanging Lights – Tikanna Lighting

Hi @lionelcho,

there seems to be this styling applied somewhere on the page, and it’s more specific than the one you are settings.

You will need to target p inside an element, something like this:

%root% p{
    font-size: 13px;

Let me know if this solves you issue,

Tons of thanks for your help, yes, it solved the problem. :+1:

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I’m happy that it’s solved :slight_smile: