NO BUG: {woo_cart_remove_link} not work in query Loop

Browser: Chrome 115

Hi team,

I have created a cart items using query loop. To remove the product from the cart, I used dynamic data {woo_cart_remove_link}, which does not work at all. When I click on the delete icon, I am redirected to a 404 page.


Also {woo_cart_update} doesn’t work.

Hi Hosein,
Probably you forgot to add the appropriate classes as described in the Academy: Cart (WooCommerce) – Bricks Academy

Can you please recheck this?

It works now. Thankful

Yet, it renders the link with <a href>

It doesn’t work on custom icons. Please check this.

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Has this been fixed yet? You can’t use custom icons or buttons, only by putting the {woo_cart_remove_link} in like a basic text works.

Hi everyone,

As timmse pointed out, this is not a bug. But this can be a request. I hope that this possibility will be provided soon so that we can create mini cart and cart items in a completely customized way.