NO BUG: Whole page is broken + lightbox does not work

Browser: Chrome Version 121.0.6167.85
OS: macOS
URL: From Quarter-Life Crisis to Toulouse: A Two-Decade Adventure Abroad – a-frog-abroad
Video Problem 1: Jam
Video Problem 2: Jam

As the 2 problems I experience have happened at the same time, they might be related, therefore I am sharing about them in one thread.

I have created a Single Post template for my blog posts on Bricks.
I am writing the blog posts in Gutenberg and then, render the content on my Bricks template through the Post Content Block (dynamic data).

1 - Video - Problem 1 → The content is broken (only on Chrome, all good on Safari) but only on large screens. I have updated my Chrome browser and removed the custom CSS I had added, in case, but no change.

2 - Video - Problem 2 → The Lightbox feature does not work. (both on Chrome and on Safari) I have enabled the lightbox for my post images inside Wordpress Post.

I used to use ACF fields to render the content & images and everything was working fine (at least, the lightbox worked well) but now, I need to use Gutenberg’s default fields and I have the above mentioned problems.

Thank you for the help!

so many 404 not loading. this files not exist or doesn’t reachable. disable cache.

convert the images to .jpg and re upload again. see if that will fix it. this will fix your lightbox issue.

the other issue is more like a layout issue. disable cache plugins and animation plugins if there is any see what will happen. if this layout looks better on editor probably there is conflict with other plugins. if same problems happening in editor too just rebuild your layout. or rebuild the broken sections only.

Hi @sinanisler, thank you for helping but nothing works…

1 - All of my pictures were already in jpg but I have re-uploaded most of them for this article and I see no change: From Quarter-Life Crisis to Toulouse: A Two-Decade Adventure Abroad – a-frog-abroad. Just in case, I have de-activated all of my plugins except from ACF and still, nothing works. (I upload pictures directly inside the Gutenberg post editor)

2 - The page loads perfectly fine on Safari and Firefox. I don’t know why it does not work in Chrome. It used to work just fine before I swapped Dynamic data input from an ACF-based layout to Gutenberg.

Is there maybe something else I can look into? Or something I have overlooked?
Thank you!

About Problem 2 (Lightbox) I have solved it! I have removed lazy load and now, my images are clickable and appear in the lightbox.

Still dealing with problem 1 (Broken page) so it does not seem related…

Hi ellystime,
It looks like the issue is caused by the overflow: hidden:

CleanShot 2024-02-01 at 09.17.10

Can you remove it and check if it works as expected?

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That was it, thank you so much!

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