NO BUG: Website Critial Error on v1.9.7.1

Just upgraded to Bricks v1.9.7.1 and when going to my ‘settings’ page in Bricks Builder, I get a critical error. I don’t get the usual email from Wordpress with the error details.

This only occurs when going onto the settings page and no other pages. I’ve deactivated any plugins that use Bricks Builder (e.g. Bricks Ultimate) and also other plugins such as FlyingPress but the same error happens.

Be great to get this resolved so I can upgrade and update my echo tags etc.

Hi Calum,
Thanks so much for your report!

Have you looked at the PHP error logs? There you should be able to see what is causing the problem.
You can also send us a link to this thread and access data to, so that we can take a look.

Best regards,

I had the same issue.
Got a PHP error “Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size of Bytes Exhausted”, so I increased my PHP memory to 1G.
That seems to have solved the issue.

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Thanks for the hint @christian !
Please check the Bricks system information @calzoom :slight_smile:

Thanks all. Yes increased my WP and PHP memory to 512mb and it worked.

There is no universe in which 1gb is an acceptable minimum required limit for a standard wordpress website to function IMO

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True @Pete ,
However, we do not know what the memory limit was set to. As stated in the Bricks settings, the recommended limit is 64mb upwards.