NO BUG: Try BricksBuilder and Academy site down?

Browser: Chrome 110 (I have also tried Brave browser on desktop)
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc. - Windows and IOS

Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool:

[Please describe this bug in as much detail as possible so we can replicate & debug this bug] -
First time posting here so if this is the incorrect channel, forgive me and if possible please point me in the right direction

I am trying to decide on Bricks Builder and used the “try bricks builder” site yesterday and it seemed to work fine. However I cannot seem to get on to the site today, I also have tried the Academy link today from the homepage and cannot seem to access it either. I’m just met with a standard “this site cannot be reached” error.

To clarify the homepage works fine, it’s just when i click on the “Try Bricks” button, it does not load the page. The same issue when i click on Academy.

I’ve deleted cookies and cache from my chrome browser and done the whole restart stuff. Just wanted to check if it’s just me having this issue

Hi jalex,
Thanks so much for your report!

Both sites work perfectly for me. I suspect the problems in your case are temporary and can be traced back to your internet provider. Have you tried it via your mobile network?

Best regards,

Hi Timmse

Thanks for your quick response

Thanks for checking, it must be my internet provider then, I tried via Chrome and Brave browser on my iPhone too with the same issue but they are all connected via wiFi to the same internet as my pc

I’ll try and get in contact with them, thanks for your help

Best regards