NO BUG: The overlay color moves along with the popup animation

Bricks Version: 1.6.1
Browser: Chrome
OS: Windows

Hi bricks team.

When the pop-up animation is executed, the animation is applied to the overlay background in addition to the pop-up. This creates a negative experience for users.
Please see the following video :

But in Elementor popup, it works fine. When the popup is executed, the background is displayed immediately, but the popup is accompanied by animation. Video below :


Even if this isn’t a bug exactly, it still needs to be changed asap. I can’t use an overlay at all while it’s like this.

Hi Hosein,
Thanks so much for your report!

You can add two interactions (in my case on a button on click, but it works the same way with content loaded) and add the animation to the popup content (.brx-popup-content) only, and probably a third one to animate the overlay (fade-in for example) too.

Best regards,

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Is this going to be adressed in 1.7?

No, because it has not been treated as a bug so far, see post title. We have not received any reports on it in the last two months, neither here nor anywhere else. That said, it’s not as if it doesn’t work.

So this is working as expected ? Basically I won’t be using popup animations because of this…

The way it is right now is the current state. But that doesn’t mean that there is nothing to improve. We already have a task with countless improvements for the pop-up, which is continually being added to.

We are happy to enhance the animation behavior, but as you can see for yourself: There is not much “traction” here, so the “problem” (for which there is still a solution) is not to be treated with AAA priority. This is simply not possible with the number of features, fixes, and improvements.

Got it. Thanks for the follow up.