NO BUG: Testimonials with ACF

Browser: Any browser
URL: Home gammel - Kiropraktorhuset Hillerød

Problem: the testimonials don’t slide, but are shown underneath each other. If one inserts the posts normally (not dynamic) they show as they should in a slider.

Using a slider instead of testimonials doesn’t solve the problem for me. Same result.

Hi @Frokjar,

Could you please share screenshots of your setup in the builder?

Not sure what you mean. This??


Yup, that’s the one. You’re using a query loop on the container, so for each result, you’re creating a new “Testimonials” element:

If you’d like to use a query loop you should look into the “Slider (Nestable)” element instead. You’d then apply the query loop on the slide itself:

I’ll try that.