NO BUG: Template not rendering styles pages in Frontend

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.

The design at the Bricks pages is not rendering in Frontend?

You have a Mixed Content Issue

Check your Wordpress Settings in the Dashboard
→ Settings → General → URL
Change http to https

Thanks @tobiashaas, I changed the URL but the problem persist

  • I’m not understanding. I already tried to disable all plugins.
  • I tried to create a new page from scratch.
  • And the Global element is not working. I can save, but when I select to use in a new page, the container or block is empty.

Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 02.46.25

SiteGround Optimizer could cause problems.
You should turn off the optimizations in the plugin, not just deactivate the plugin.

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Hey @tobiashaas, now it’s working.

Which cache plugin do you recommend to use with Bricks Builder?

And do you know if the Security Optimizer Siteground plugin works well with Bricks?

Every optimization/caching plugin causes problems if you don’t know what you’re doing! :wink:
I use Litespeed with Cloudflare or just Cloudflare

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Hi Lucas,
An additional note: you cannot/should not save the footer container as a global element, as it is a nestable element. Global elements can only be individual elements, such as a button or other non-nestable elements.

When you save an element as a global element you save the selected element only. Its children are not saved as those are different elements. If a container contains other elements, and you’d like to save all of them, you have to save it as a template.

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Hi @timmse thanks for your observation.