NO BUG: Template Bug with Footer

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool:

We have a problem regarding the display of the footer. We have not changed anything in our footer settings, but it is now displayed in white. Also the position changed drastically and pushed some of the buttons further to the top now. Also some of the buttons do now have the right colour now, so it seems that the whole theme is struggling right now.

The strange thing about that is, that we didn´t even make changes to the theme.

Hey @JosefKoeppl,

seems like you added some styles to the ACSS align-items--center utility class. If you remove those styles everything looks correct to me:

CleanShot 2024-06-05 at 17.55.16



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Wow that was really fast - thank you so much for your quick response! I fixed it immediately!