Hey gang, Im new to Bricks (first day) but I am having so much trouble with styles. Too many to list here, but one thing I can’t get to work is the transitions on the front end. simple .2s ease-in on a button. It doesn’t work on the front end but looks fine in the builder AND in preview mode.
Also, can someone point me to a clear and accurate way to set up theme styles, please?
Hi Mick,
Welcome to the “gang”, and thanks for your report!
On day 1, everything might be a bit overwhelming, so I would ask you to have a look at the Bricks Academy. There you’ll find all sorts of information on every conceivable topic, which will certainly solve some questions:
Maybe then your button problem will be solved that I can’t reproduce across the board (probably you haven’t applied a condition to the theme style). If it persists, can you record a short video and show and explain what is going on?
Hey Timmse, thanks mate. I got a bit of clarity last night, I seemed to be doubling up on styles and overthinking it all. I’ll follow this advice and get back into it today. Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
So, to reference one of the issues that are doing my head in. Button styles, still can’t resolve it. There seem to be hidden styles still in the stylesheet. Cant find it to delete.
Here is how my styled button looks in the editor and preview (yellow) on the front end it’s PINK???
I have deleted all button styles and started again 3 times, still its getting weird styles from somewhere.
Try re generating your css in the bricks settings under the performance tab. Also might be worth to check if you accidently set different colors on different breakpoints.
No worries, just post back if it still doesn’t work. If you’re coming from more traditional page builders, it might take a few days to wrap your head around everything, I know it did for me haha
Hey Manc, sadly, no luck. I have regen’d the CSS, and deleted all button theme styles, still, it shows a yellow dot, as though there are styles applied. Then I add a button and it comes in styled, with a hover state that expands the button width on hover. I am used to Elementor and Webflow (Just learning Webflow, designer, not a dev)
Hmm do you by any chance have styles applied either on another breakpoint ir on hover or a pseudo selector? Also if you set the styles on default or primary, did u select the corresponding style in the button you added to the page?
If you want you can shoot over some logins cause rn it’s more of a guessing game in an area I never had issues with haha
Hey Mick,
Would you be so kind as to send temporary login credentials (we will not share them and only use them for debugging) and a link to this thread to help@bricksbuilder.io using the email address you used during the purchase?
Also, please tell us exactly where we can see the problem.
Hey Timmse, thanks for following up, after hours of frustration, I deleted all my styles and created a new theme style. I also realised it was all me, I didn’t grasp the concept of the theme styles and was doubling up. I would set theme styles on my button, then exit out, SELECT the button on the designer, and start adding styles there too. I really just need to watch " the full video tutorials" instead of watching 3 minutes and thinking I have it figured out.
I have now found the right way to use the designer and now have a basic site with buttons that work perfectly and even have some little animations set up. Today, I am loving Bricks and thanks to everyone who jumped in FAST to help me. Seems like a great community.
Glad you figured it out just as additional input, think of theme styles as sensitive / opinionated defaults that you can set up.
In my blueprint site for example, I’ve got my primary and secondary colors assigned to buttons and other elements. So in 8 out of 10 cases, I don’t have to touch the buttons at all when starting a new site. Also added some utility classes to turn the button into a gradient Button based on my colors, etc etc. It’s super fun and efficient once you figure out to make it work for you.
As for the community, it’s hard not to become a bricks evangelist haha. It just does so many things better than other builders, that once you’re used to it, you likely won’t ever wanna go back to something else
I’d be keen to see the sites you’ve created with it. And anyone else who wants to share a site they have nailed with it. I’d love to see what’s really possible with it, outside my limited skillset.
There is a showcase section in the forum with some very nice sites but most people don’t share haha, myself included. I guess that’s impostor syndrome kicking in hard haha buuut I’d be happy to share my semi automatic style guide once I’m done setting up my latest iteration of my blueprint. Should be done within next week, feel free to remind me should I forget hehe.