NO BUG: Slider (Nestable) not available

Browser: Chrome Version 131.0.6778.108
OS: macOS

I’m trying to create a slider, and neither the slider or nestable slider options are even showing. I’m using ACSS and Frames for a new project. Has this been removed? Or is it an issue with frames or something?


both elements should be available:
CleanShot 2024-12-06 at 09.52.08@2x

Is it possible that you disabled it with some plugin, that has “element manager” or something similar? Usually, this is the case.


Turns out it was a setting I had activated in ACSS/Frames to ‘hide redundant bricks components’!
Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 11.31.45

Yeah, usually it’s something like this. Thanks for confirming.
I’ll mark the topic as no-bug now.
