NO BUG: Shortcodes [events_list] and [events_calendar] not rendering in Bricks

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: Windows
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool:

Hi, I use the plugin WP Events Manager for client website. On the main page I have embedded the latest events using a query loop and the shortcode [event] and it is showing fine.

But when using for example the shortcodes [events_list] or [events_calendar] it is not rendering at all. No errors in the browser console and no errors in the debug log file.

When using these shortcodes in the Gutenberg blockeditor it is rendering fine so the mechanism of WP Events Manager looks fine and seems to be an issue in Bricks Builder.

Are there known issues with this plugin and Bricks Builder concering using these shortcodes?

Kind regards,
Ivar Snel
Codeplaza Webdesign

Hi Ivar,
Welcome to the forum!

Can you please provide a link to the WP Events Manager plugin? Searching for it brings multiple results, so I’m unsure which one to use. Thank you!

Best regards,

Hi Timmse,

The URL for WP Events Manager is:
For the documentation about using shortcode is:

Thanks for the additional information!
I can’t see any issue using the shortcodes in Bricks.

Is it possible that you are also using them in a loop? If so, this is the problem, as [events_list] or [events_calendar], for example, are already a query, querying the event posts.

That’s strange.

As said when using this shortcode in blocks of Gutenberg it is rendering fine. See also screenshot of front with browser console open without any errors or warnings.

And I am not using a query loop for this shortcodes.

You are using a template that applies to this post/page, right? Within that template, you added a post content element with source “WordPress”, which renders the Gutenberg content.

Just add another post content element and set its source to “Bricks”, to render the Bricks content.

Alternatively, exclude the post/page you’re currently editing from the template.

Just found the issue. There was a condional setting in the template where this specific page was to intend to exclude but the exclude switch was still set to off.

Switched it to on and the Bricks content (the shortcodes) are showing fine! So this one can be closed and set to NO BUG.

Thanks for your time and support!

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