NO BUG: Rich text element in a template

Hi @timmse,
I have setup the problematic sections (used as template-element and parallel used as original Section-Element) in the bricks-debug-installation. You have got the login credentials in the topic NO BUG: Update to Bricks 1.9.7. makes System buggy, error throwing, slow and unreliable in combination with Motion.Page Plugin - #3 by Martin

Have reduced the page only to the hero-section and the 2 same section with the different “text”-value (with <p>-Tags and WITHOUT <p>-Tags.
So you can debug it in real-system environment.

Debug-System is setup and prepared online under the same url and with the same credentials.

If you need the credentials again, please let me know.
Hope this helps to find all answers (versions/procedures) and maybe some kind of bug or perhaps an error in my operation that is not recognisable to me. Version is the current (all is updated).

Procedures (hope this is what you are asking for)

I created a section with different elements. Then I saved the Section as a template (to use it as Global Componente all over different pages) with the Name «CLIPS Info Section [Global Component]».
Than I added a new Element from Type «Template» choosed the saved template «CLIPS Info Section [Global Component]» and saved the page.
Then I deleted the original Section with all the elements init from the Page (Home). And added more Elements from Type Template in different other Pages of the same website (so I can use the template as a “Global Component”, where changes will be reflected in all Instances where the Template-Elements are used the original Template «CLIPS Info Section [Global Component]».

For debug perpose I opened the “Edit in Template”-Modus, copied the Original Section with all the child-Elements and pasted it in the Page (Home).
To make it easier for you, I deleted all the other Sections (only Hero-Section left to make ensure there will be no Menu-Problems (overlap).

From this situation, you see the PrintScreen below.

Hope this will help:
Here the printScreen from the real-system environment.