NO BUG: Read More element scroll to bottom on opening, forcing us to go back to the top of the revealed content

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: watch my


I am encountering an issue with the “Read More” module in Bricks Builder. When a user clicks on an accordion to reveal hidden content, the page automatically scrolls to the bottom of that content, which creates a poor user experience.

Upon investigation, it seems that this behavior is related to a faulty implementation of the readmore.js library. On the official demo of the library, this issue is not present, so I suspect an implementation confusion within Bricks.

In the readmore.js demo page (Readmore.js), when you click on “Usage, examples, and options” to open the content, the browser does not scroll, but it correctly scrolls back when closing the content. However, in Bricks, the scroll occurs at the end of the opening, which force the user to go back to the top of the newly revealed content.

Is this a known issue, and is there a solution or a fix planned? If the bug persists, I may have to manually re-implement the library on each page because its my client that has found this UX issue.

Thank you for your help.

Hi @brice3027,

This “read more” element is not a native element of Bricks, but it looks like you use an element from BricksExtras plugin. Please contact them about this issue.

I’ll mark this as a NO BUG, since it’s not an issue with Bricks builder.

Best regards,

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Sorry i’m confuse :grinning:

Thank you :+1:

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Hello everyone,

for those encountering the same issue, the BricksExtra support team is working on fixing this problem in the upcoming releases. In the meantime, they provided me with a script to paste into the footer of the pages, and it works perfectly for me.

Here is their response below:

Hi Brice,

Add this code to your page settings…

Will make sure this can’t happen in the next update.