NO BUG: Raw dynamic Field for color settings will be overwritten by the default value

Browser: Chrome 121.0.6167.85 (Linux)
OS: Linux

Bricks Version: 1.9.5

Reproduce method:
When you use a dynamic field to set the color and save it, it works normally. However, if you click on the color setting again, it will be overwritten by the default value. Clicking save at this time will prove that it is not just an error display because the color value has actually changed.

Dyn. Data: Color picker Customer field on Custom Taxonomy by plugin.

I simply recorded a video of how to reproduce it, please contact me if you need it.

Hi Lux,
Thanks so much for your report!

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue. Would you be so kind as to provide the mentioned screencast (best using showing and explaining what’s happening?

Best regards,

Hi Timmse,

Today’s I found that issued with Metabox Revision v1.24.1 extension, maybe this case is a side effect of cannot save issue.

Ok, please also report the problem to Metabox so that they can take care of it.