NO BUG: Query Editor Gets HTTP 500 Error Upon Save

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: Windows

I’m entering query arguments that include a variable with a value from a PHP function. The same PHP function is successfully outputting the vale for a Text control. Any Suggestions?

Preformatted text
#‘{echo:get_custom_loop_object_column_value(year)}’ does not output an array.
$year = ‘{echo:get_custom_loop_object_column_value(year)}’;

return [
‘post_type’ => ‘minutes’,
#Tried with and without ‘bricks_force_run’
‘bricks_force_run’ => true,
‘date_query’ => array(
#If year is not hard coded, Bricks shows a HTTP 500 error upon save.
array(‘year’ => [$year]),

Hello @Travis,

I could not replicate the issue with 500 Error, when saving the builder. Can you check what the issue is?
You can check in the developer tools, but also check in debug.log. What is the log saying?

Thank you,

$year needs to be an int type. Error eliminated. Thanks!