NO BUG: Price range doesn't update

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: CleanShot 2566-03-07 at 16.26.38 · CleanShot Cloud

price range doesn’t update its stuck on max price 200 CAD, Currently i have one products price is 2000$ (1,359.68CAD), for filter option i set blank for max price.

Thanks so much for your report!

You have to set the limits manually. In theory you could also write a function (if you know PHP) that reads the prices from the database and returns the lowest and highest value, so you can make the filter “dynamic”.

Best regards,

Hi thank for replying

I think it’s should be automatically
You can check alternative like FaceWP or Woo Filter plugins.

They support all No need to write code I hope this list will be added to the roadmap.

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Hi Francis,
Still, it’s not a bug. And you shouldn’t forget that the main task of the plugins you mentioned is: filtering :wink:

Feel free to submit this as an idea on the idea board, or comment on one of the existing ideas, if there is one that applies: Ideas – Bricks