NO BUG: Password Protected Site redirects to /wp-admin/?action=postpass

Hi there!

I have used the Wordpress Protection feature for a particular site on my website. It worked in the beginning, but since the Bricks Update to Version: 1.10.1 it is not working anymore.

I visit my passwort protected site in the frontd. I enter the correct password but I dont see my content – instead I am redirected to a white blank page with /wp-admin/?action=postpass in the url. When I revisit the passwort protected site, I can see all the content, so the password was the right one.

Steps to Recreate:

  1. Choose a Page you created with bricks
  2. Click on “Edit Page” (not edit with bricks)
  3. Click on “Published” Textlink and scroll down to “Passwort Protect”. Choose a Password.
  4. Visit the page in frontend and enter password

What I tried to solve it

  1. Deacitvate Server Cache
  2. Decativate ALL plugins
  3. Decativate all Browser Plugins
  4. Clear Browser Cache
  5. Use different browsers
  6. Change PHP Execution Time (up to 2 Minutes)
  7. Change PHP Version
  8. Update Bricks to Version 1.10.3
    → It all did not solve the problem

In the end I deacitavated Bricks and used a standard theme - it than worked. Hence I figure out its a Bricks Bug in the new version.

I actviated WP Debug there is no notification about it. Also the Server Error Log does not show anything.

Here are some facts about my system:

  • Max Post Size: 2048M
  • Max File Size: 2048M
  • Max File Uploads: 20
  • Max Input Variables (Min: 100): 20000
  • Max PHP Execution Time: 120 Seconds
  • PHP: 8.2

Web Server

  • Name: Apache
  • IP:


  • Version (Min: 5.5.5): 8.0.36
  • Max Allowed Packet (Min: 4 MB): 128 MB

I will send you temporary login link and video via support mail.



Thanks for login details.

As per my email reply, that is because you have this no-referrer header scripts.

WP don’t know where to redirect after successfully validated the password.


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Hi Jen,

thank you so much for checking and finding the solution.
I hade the Referer Policy in there for extra security, I did not know that it can cause this trouble.

So yes its not a bug, but my human error!

Thanks again!