NO BUG: Pagination disconnected from query, only showing first page, not going through loop

Hi Ulf,
Thanks for the access data!

The reason why the pagination doesn’t work is that you are in a single-template/single post. I assumed you’re using an archive, that’s why I couldn’t reproduce the issue.

You will notice the same behavior with any other WordPress theme if you add /page/xxx (choose any number) to the URL on any page or post: The page/post will always output the original content. So it’s not a Bricks bug.

You can try custom code (posts - WP_Query Pagination on single-custom.php - WordPress Development Stack Exchange) or consider a different setup.

My two cents: The pagination only complicates the “services” navigation - only six services exist. If I can see them all at a glance, I can move forward much more efficiently.