I created a template with a simple post query loop, 6 posts, showing max 3. The Pagination element in its own container is linked to the query. The pagination is listing pages 1 & 2, but is not advancing to the next page. Only shows page 1. It was working in Bricks 1.7.3.
Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue. Do you have the ability to reproduce the problem in a live installation so we can take a look? Feel free to send the credentials to help@bricksbuilder.io when you are ready.
The reason why the pagination doesn’t work is that you are in a single-template/single post. I assumed you’re using an archive, that’s why I couldn’t reproduce the issue.
You will notice the same behavior with any other WordPress theme if you add /page/xxx (choose any number) to the URL on any page or post: The page/post will always output the original content. So it’s not a Bricks bug.
My two cents: The pagination only complicates the “services” navigation - only six services exist. If I can see them all at a glance, I can move forward much more efficiently.
Thank you timmse,
learned something again! Thanks for nudging me into the right direction. I will rebuild the services section, now that I know what went wrong. It’s only 6 services yet, that’s true - but I wanted to be future-proof and be able to add items later.
Thanks again!