NO BUG: One custom post isn't displaying correctly


I have an issue on this site:

I am using ACF for a CPT and custom fields. I’m encountering an issue where one custom post (Eigenblut-Therapie (PRP-Therapie) - Dr Kabashi) isn’t displaying correctly, although all other posts are displaying as expected.
The title and all the custom fields are not showing for this specific custom post, although they appear correctly for other posts.

Any idea?

Thank you, Philipp

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS
URL: Eigenblut-Therapie (PRP-Therapie) - Dr Kabashi

Did you try disabling plugins like Breeze minification, ACSS and Oject Cache Pro?

Yes, it doesn’t make a difference. I have the same issue on a different Page that is in development (no caching, but also acf, acss, bricks).

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I changed the subdomain to now. For the prod site I created a new post with identical content what works for now, but the issue exists on dev.
please help. Thank you

Email if you don’t get help soon. For something like that, they will most likely need to login to the site and will need login if you can give it to them.

Hi Philipp,
Thanks so much for your report!

Can you check if the post is set to “Render with WordPress” instead of “Render with Bricks”?
If you are logged in and look at the post in the front end, you will find the setting in the top bar:

Best regards,

Thank you, that solved the problem