NO BUG: Nestable Tabs - styles only applied to fist tab using loop query

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool:

Hi gang, I am struggling to find out why I am getting totally different styling on my first tab only in my nested tabs. LInk here (temp site)

This is the video I watched to use the process

any help would be greatly appreciated

Hey Mick,

thanks for your report.

Is there a specific reason you’re using “such an old version” of Bricks? Also… on the site you provided only one of the tabs has some content. So I am not sure what your exact issue is.



Old version??? whats is the lastest verion ? Im using 1.9

I changed my setup, The dynamic loop would not let me style the second, third etc tabs.

I realised I was making things difficult for myself and just added a different query in each tab instead. All fixed.

You tagged this bug with v1.7.3
You need to use the correct version when raising to avoid confusion and wasting time.

Hey @liquidpixels,

as @alanj correctly stated you tagged your report with v1.7.3. That’s why I was asking.

As you sorted things out in the meantime I’ll mark this one as NO BUG. Feel free to get back to us if you experience issues again.



Ahh, sorry, I didn’t realise I tagged it that. Thank you for your help.