NO BUG: Navigation Dots still Showing if you have 1 slider

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue

Hello guys, i am working on nestable sliders, and i just realized that if you have 1 slide, navigation dots still showing, normally shouldn’t be displayed, right? Is there any option that i not see? If not i think is a small bugg!

Thank you!!


Yes, there is this problem. It even applies to arrows.

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Hey @millerose,

thanks for your report.

This is just how Splide (the library that is used) behaves. You could use some custom CSS on the slider to hide the pagination button if it is the only one:

root .splide__pagination__page:only-child {
  display: none;

You could also implement some custom logic to “watch the overflow” and react accordingly as described in Splide’s documentation.

