NO BUG: Nav(Nestable) Flex order not functioning correctly

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (link)

Hi, good day!

I’m trying to replicate a navigation menu from a theme for my client as seen below

As seen in my attached link of the jam video, I couldn’t change the ordering of the items. The only items that would change position would be the dropdown menu and block container.

A temporary fix for my end is recreate the menu in a different format and hide the current one in tablet, but it would be best if the flex ordering would work properly as intended.

Thanks so much for your report, and welcome to the forum!

Each link in the nav nestable is automatically enclosed with a <li>. If you assign a style to the link, it will be applied to the link, but not to the surrounding <li>.

However, you can manually insert a div, change its tag to li, and assign it the flex-order.

Best regards,

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