NO BUG: Nav nestable dropdown padding

Browser: Chrome
OS: macOS

When adding a nav nestable, and setting the padding values, there is a “default” gap between the list items. It looks to be about 30-40 pixels. See screenshot. Nothing in the customiser to change this.
I’ve watched several YT videos and this gap doesn’t appear anywhere.

Just upgraded to 1.9.9

Hi Stuibhart,
Thanks so much for your report!

By default, there is no gap, and as you say yourself, it’s not the same in every YouTube video you watch. Does the “gap” only occur on the canvas or on the frontend, too? If on the frontend, a live link would be very helpful.

I guess you have some very generic custom CSS, such as ul {gap: 30px;}, that applies to the dropdown ul, too.

Best regards,

Hi Timmse, no settings or custom css applied by me. This is a blank template that I dropped the nav nestable element into. Yes, it applies on the front end as well as the canvas. Link below

Hi Timmse,

My apologies. Please put this down as no bug - I disabled ACSS and it fixed the problem. It appears that ACSS is inserting a default value in the row gap settings for the content UL


Yep, that’s it.
You can override the behavior by adding

.brx-dropdown-content {
  gap: 0;
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