NO BUG: Mobile view - Anchor - Popup as off canvas - not working the anchor points links

In 1.7 was working good, but 1.7.1 version is gone.

What I made:

  • I made a landing pagem first section is a (virtual) header.
  • I made buttons - like menu points with #anchor points.
  • I made with responsive display none conditions an popup trigger button, with interactions.
  • I made in Bricks Template section a popup.
  • I just copied and pasted the desktop buttons (menupoint anchors) to the popup template.

In desktop and tablet mode, working good, the anchor points, its scroll down/up smoothly what i want…
In mobile view show correctly the popup template, when i push the trigger button.
But in the popup not jump to the anchor points! (With 1.7.0 version was good!)


Screenshot from desktop and the “virtual” header, buttons nav with anchor point set up

Screenshot from the popup template. (I just copy + paste my nav buttons from deskpot view)

Off-canvas popup trigger interaction. (working good! show and hide, what i want!)

Thanks so much for your report!

Can you show me in a short video how it looked/behaved in 1.7, so that I have a before/after comparison?

Best regards,

Mobile popup nav button behaves perfectly the same as in desktop view.

Sections has got a CSS ID. (example: rolunk)
The nav buttons got the necessary anchor link. (e.g. #rolunk) When clicked the “rolunk button”, the screen jumps to the given section.

So the same should happen in mobile view as in desktop.

But now, when i try to click one of button in popup off-canvas (I use it like mobile menu) nothing happen, just put end the URL the anchor link. #…

I think the problem is the new CSS smooth scroll???

Does it work as before if you use the full URL ( instead of the #anchorID ?

It looks like you’ve set the popup/off canvas to close when clicking anywhere inside of it. Link clicks don’t propagate cause the closing action is triggered before anything else.

Try removing the closing on click and see if the links work then. If they do, add a separate close Button to the top of the menu to close the navigation.

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Hi @timmse & @manc

Manc was right.
I used an interaction within the popup builder so that the popup window closes after clicking.

If I remove this, the anchor links work flawlessly.

This is only strange because when I started the work with version 1.7, we tested it on several devices and there were no problems with it! Is this the “error”? It has came with version 1.7.1.

I might be wrong since I haven’t tested and compared with the previous version but I think that if anything, there was an error in the previous version. If a click trigger is set on the parent of an item then this behavior is kinda expected imo.

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Yep, I agree with Martin :+1:

However, there are now significantly more options regarding popup events:

@timmse & @manc !

Ok, then let’s approach the problem and solution from another direction. :slight_smile:
The original goal (which I know worked in the previous version) is to make the popup off-canvas menu slide out automatically after the visitor clicks on one of the links.

In this way, there is no need for an extra close button, just as the visitor does not have to take extra steps to see the content in its entirety.

My first attempt would be to add the closing trigger to the links themselves by targeting a selector that targets all of them if that makes sense, as in on click of .navitem-class - > close popup